miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

English Class for Children 10


Objective: Increase the vocabulary about popular foods and strengthen speaking.
Greeting: class started with a song called "hello how are you"
Prior to the class, talk to the parents of children with parents who develops the next class, but this is not going to be like previous classes, but is being done as a mini food fair.

Booths: with tables, will arm as a sort of mini concession stand.
Will be distributed to parents who must bring food (booths for four parents) where four parents bring the same food to distribute to the children of the living room and the other parents.
Food suggestive: hot dog, hamburger, spaghetti, chicken, rice pudding, porridge or lemonade, etc..
Adaptation: Each booth will have the name of the food in English, and the children ask for food in English.
Ex: Please, I want a ..... (hot dog, spaghetti, hamburger, chicken, etc.)

After the day, we will sit under a tree (or space where there is shade) for feedback and review class learned words.

English Class for Children 9

Fruits and vegetables (based on the spiritual).

Objective: The child will be able to learn the fruits and vegetables in English (the basics).
Spiritual: Telling the story of creation and through this recognition of the importance of healthy eating and healthy for the growth of each child.
Song: It will show them pictures of fruits and vegetables and repeated in English by means of the song (the rich fruits and vegetables).
Integration and reinforcement: Each table will have sheets of either fruits or vegetables, the teacher will say in Spanish and display the fruit or vegetable and the table having such fruit or vegetables the child will say it in English and lift at the same time.

Partner affective: It will give each child a piece of clay and they will shape either fruits or vegetables. Completed his art placed in baskets but before that they should explain that they did and give thanks to God for so important is fruits and vegetables.

English Class for Children 8

The parts of the body.

Objective: The child will be able to identify the parts of your body in English.
Song: They sing the song head shoulders knees and toes in different movements, that they go differentiating body parts in English.
Game run: Through a game they develop fine motor skills, they show a doll, and they must identify the parts of the body and put it in English hitting a colored paper.

Strengthening seen: They show images of each body part and they should identify it and put it in English.

Teaching: You will be given a puzzle of the human body for each table and must disarm and love the first table and put it together and say that the body parts in English that will win.

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

English Class for children 7

The vowels (based wing experience)

The Lost Treasure
OBJECTIVE: experiential experience so a search for treasure and find the vowels that show.
Letters that will have to look: a-e-i-or-u.

First you will be shown different letters, but when vowels show they should read them aloud in English, will go out of class groups of three and must find a safe where they should draw some of the vowels, take her to the show room and tell their respective pronunciation.
After the tour will give a brief feedback from the work done in class.

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

English class for children 6

My Family

Objective: Identify the correct pronunciation of the names in English of the members of the family and home use.
Greeting: As is the custom, we sing the greeting song called: Hello how are you?
Development class: Moment of repetition
Keywords: Mother, Father, Brother, Sister and baby.
After hearing the pronunciation, sing the song of the family.
The craft will be held for use in the house as it is about personal tablecloths.
-Kraft paper
-Tissue Paper.
Optional: A photo of each family member.

Each paper will be drawn the character family and will be the name, so that each time you use them and thus eat can remember the names.
At the end of the tablecloths, each child will expose his classmates and deliver adding names as the name of that person.
They will have to make a small business at home, where upon arrival at the school and leave the house, the child greet and say goodbye according to that seen in class.
Hi Mother!

Goodbye Father!

English class for children 5


OBJECTIVE: experientially experiencing the four seasons of the year and identify their names in English.
WORDS TO LEARN: summer (summer), Winter (winter), spring (spring), fall (autumn)
n the four corners of the room, four signs which will be the name of each station and some images to relate and for the children to see how they live in different places, there will be appropriate clothing for the occasion so that children are the can and do simulate the station.

Greeting: they sing the traditional song: "hello how are you"
Development class.
It will give a brief introduction about the seasons. (In our country we show only two seasons, but in other countries if we can see).
The class will run for seasons (4), each of which will represent a different season and the steps are:
1. Greeting.
2. Introduction of the class.
3. Repeating the words of the theme.
4. Tour seasons.
5. Feedback from the class.
6. Farewell.

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013

Creating Life experiences around English

Experiential learning instead of rote learning, reflection requires related experience (live) but focused on the person receiving learning. For this it is important that students have the arrangement, which is able to reflect and that students use skills to conceptualize the experience, so that based on this, get new ideas from experiential learning.

Many teachers have realized that providing learning fun and enjoyable, you may have a valid effective learning and remembering the words of a Chinese philosopher when he says: "Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I understand. "