miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Tips for good class

Must be:

One. CONSISTENCY: never develop a class that does not link with the other activity, that is, if we show the children an activity, the following must bear the same thematic so that the knowledge or concept taught, to learn from solid way.
Two. VARIETY: the class should not be monotonous, so that it becomes boring because it is emphasizing a theme. The teacher must be dynamic and recursive striking their lessons.
Three. PREVER ERROR: besides planning the class, the teacher must have a plan b in case of failure. The rule is that you should plan everything so that classes may be feasible but like every rule has an exception, something might not work as expected.
April. HAVE CLEAR GOALS TO ACHIEVE: it's like when a ship sails; reaches its destination when it is clear. If a teacher wants to teach a class in advance must know you want to accomplish in their children so that will not lead to improvisation or deviation from the topic.

May. MEET THE PUBLIC WHO WE ARE GOING TO HEAD: last and very important to know the age of your children to develop activities according to their interests, this can earn better serve the children and ensure the development of a class enjoyable.

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