miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013


many people have a misconception of what is the motivation in the classroom, since this is not generated by others but that is internal to the individual, also refers to the attitude that you want the student to have, but rather the motivation comes because we created 'circumstances to influence students.
According to theorists like Skinner, motivation can be reinforced by a reward of some type (word or deed). From social learning, also said that the motivation may occur because we see the result of another and want to be like them, because motivation can be influenced by the thinking of themselves and the environment.
Some suggestions are that we show our interest by students themselves and adapt our program to meet their needs and interests, we propose also challenging but achievable goals.

10 tips for motivation can be:
1.    Students to see that the issue is important to their lives.
2.   Offer variety of attractive atividades
3.   Offer incentives for completed tasks.
4.   Rewards are varied.
5.   Build good realaciones with students.
6.   Creating a positive classroom climate.
7.   Curricula do not very easy to not underestimate the class.
8.    Develop the student's intrinsic motivation.
9.     The teacher shows high expectations.
10.  For energy spread, the teacher must have good energy
Also note that there are many factors that can influence motivation and that you can take into account, for example, group work, the position of the posts so that they are at a distance that promotes fellowship, look  to the students or correct eyes with love mistakes committed and that most students fear gives them wrong.
This is a process that takes time and dedication but worth it, and we built a good learning when motivated. 


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